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In my temporary Office-Chukha dzong,Chukha Bhutan.

Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt and dance like no one is watching. - Randall G Leighton.
My final day of internship at Chukha dzongkhag Engineering section.I enjoyed every single second of my stay here.I'm really indebted to Honorable Dasho Dzongda,Dasho Dzongrab,Dzongkhag Engineer,Municipal Engineer and all senior Engineers who have always guided me and shaping me into a fine and analytical ENGINEER.
 Thank you all immensely indeed.

In the life,we have insurmountable opportunities.Opportunities that are big or sometimes so small as it comes around.But what actually matter is how we are going to approach it. It matters how systematically we confront it,no matter what it is.
 I had  been very much lucky to meet with His Majestry the King of Bhutan in person. It was,of course a tremendous achievement on my part though it seems filial.

Similarly, recently i had an opportunity to interview one of living educationist, entrepreneur  researcher, noted speaker and a visiting scientist to Italy, Germany,England and many others.

I present my conversation with him in  cab.

Prof. M M Pant is promoting the ideation, development and delivery of educational products, processes and services for the next generation learning space in the post Internet post WTO world. In tune with the emerging Knowledge Economy, he is exploring the creation of quality Knowledge products and ways of enhancing the productivity of Knowledge workers.
 We the gnotalks-interview panel group could talk personally. It was really an enthralling moment with him. Following are the questions we asked him.

Me: We are profoundly honored to have you here, sir. Sir, let me begin by asking your good self that what instigated your quest for new education system? Was it the same thirst that made you to establish LMP Education Trust?

Prof. M M Pant: It’s honor for me too. Indeed, I’m happy to see young enthusiastic learners like you. You all are backbone of our country’s future. While, coming back to your question, all of us have dreams, big or small. Some dream remains as dream only but some are made to turn into reality. I always thought with emerging advancement in technology, there’s an urgent need to change our learning habit. A habit which is tangible and beneficial for achieving greater knowledge. Thus, I felt a need to revolutionize the learning system which is more learner friendly. Yes about LMP Education Trust, It’s my personal undertaking.
Me: In this crucial time of conception crisis of Education system as a whole. We youngsters and professional researchers alike are indebted to your vision of successful education system. What are the uniqueness in your approach that would transform the present education system?

Prof. M M Pant: It’s nothing new in real but the approach is more earnest. It’s about changing technology, in the past the material available in the class room were just a few. They used Blackboard, a chalk, duster and slate to write on. But come to present, there is apparently vast to suit this facilities; we need to have technology oriented and user friendly learning system.

Me:  I quote your statement, “Instead of focusing on the high achievements of a Few, we need to concentrate on improving the educational ability of the Whole. We need to devise new education”. I find this statement profound in itself .With reference to your statement, what type of new Education system, you are talking about?

Prof. M M Pant:  We need a new education system which improves the cognitive ability of a massive numbers of people by a certain amount. This would have a much larger social impact as improving people’s learning even at small levels improves earning potential.

Me:  In India we have different phases of Educational institutes and Research centers. Like  IIT, NIT, IIIT, and various other private colleges which are grooming people of all walks of life for their brighter career. Like you have said in Stoch Summit, when student gets to IIT, big dream of US haunt them but it’s not likely for other to dream for the same. And worst part is only handful of students make there, which I feel, contradicts your ideology of educating the whole mass for earning potential. Does it create biased system in earning potential?

Prof. M M Pant: Absolutely it happens in IIT. But you know if you have will then nothing will stop you from achieving it. So, it’s profoundly dependent on your approach and determination.

Me: I find your idea of “Learning metrics and learning rate”, a unique within itself. You too believe that Purpose of educational intervention should be to improve learning rates. Would you kindly elaborate in this?

Prof. M M Pant: It’s the job of creating a theoretical basis for these much needed changes which is called ‘learning metrics’. There are two aspects. One is the quantum of input, typically in terms of teacher student contact and the learner’s own efforts, which together go into the assignment of some ‘credits’ to a course. These may vary from 10 hours to 30 hours for one credit, and the equivalent of a full time course ends up with about 1000 hours of annual student effort. The other is the measure of student performance in a summative assessment. The performance is summarized by an average mark or grade. Thus, the total effect of one year of academic interaction of about 1000 hours is represented as a single number or letter of the alphabet, but learning happens every day, every hour, and in fact, every minute. Therefore new things need to be measured such as the learning rates.

Me: Would you please tell us how is your new education system approach correlated to constantly      changing dynamics of Indian Economy.

Prof. M M Pant: When we talk of Indian economic its directly related with how we people perform at all levels. It’s about preparing ourselves to face all the challenges and emerging out from cocoon of narrow mindedness of confining ourselves within boundary. We need to become capable locally in term of idea, entrepreneurship and present ourselves globally in the most competent way. This would definitely boost our changing dynamic economic of India.

Me: “The problem with our current educational system is that there is so much emphasis on Passing exams and getting grades that kids don’t stop to think if they are actually living”. Would you please comment on it?

Prof. M M Pant: Yes, exactly. You see in present prevailing scenario. we must start with the assumption that every child is brilliant. Education should therefore be about enhancing the natural brilliance of every child. That is what I am working towards. “The skills, knowledge and behaviours needed to become a well-rounded person. I see changes in the way education is delivered as part of a wider need to create more well-rounded students. I’m concerned with the narrowing impact of existing educational models on children, and the risk of shutting down their innate curiosity. So this is not letting kids learn in better way. They should feel that they are living through learning.

Me: Finally, we are grateful to have your good self-presence with us for short period of time. We are enlightened to new greater height by your wonderful perspective of new education system. Your advice to the young learners please.

Prof. M M Pant: Its pleasure for me too. I don’t have advice. I want all learners not to stop learning. It’s perhaps the generation where tomorrow you can emerge as shining stars amongst other. What I feel is it’s not necessary to follow whatever senior do. If we do, we will be just a complete replication of them. So sometime very important to judge the circumstances wisely. Learn to take risk. If you are afraid of taking risk then most of the opportunity are shunned out. So be gentle, learn to be rational, strong in views, innovative and creative in all the fields. Learn to lead, not follow.

 Its where i have first learned to be an engineer.The lives which always is a busy one.I had been always rolling my eye balls right to left just to see all engineers busy with june closing.Though,all of them were busy,i had good privilege to be guided by Er.Prakash Gautam,Road section Engineer.I have learned a lot though i couldnot really co-relate with my studies in college.


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